Canadian Rental Service

A Venue of Value

By Canadian Rental Services   

Features Business Intelligence

While the “knee-jerk” reaction during a recession is to cut back on marketing, an economic slowdown is the worst time to stop seeking new business.

While the “knee-jerk” reaction during a recession is to cut back on marketing, an economic slowdown is the worst time to stop seeking new business.

Cutting back and trimming budgets to cope with shrinking profit margins is an unpleasant reality, but it doesn’t mean all efforts to grow the business must come to a grinding halt. It just means finding smarter more efficient ways to sell your products, promote your company and develop new markets.

But you won’t have to convince that to the manufacturers and suppliers who have already signed up for the Canadian Rental Mart. They have reserved their booths early, some of them more than a year in advance, because they recognize that this trade show is a venue of value. A place where customers come to you when you can’t afford to go to them.

The Canadian Rental Mart is back for 2010, and perfectly timed for the economic turnaround.


The Toronto Congress Centre will host this rental exclusive trade show on March 9-10, which will attract rental company owners, managers and decision makers from across Canada.

For more than 30 years the Canadian Rental Mart has brought rental professionals together who come to see and learn about new products entering the rental market before making their spring buying decisions. And for just as long, the manufacturers and suppliers to the industry have used this venue to promote their products and forge new business relationships.

Organizers for the 2010 Canadian Rental Mart have worked hard to help exhibitors get the most for their participation. They have designed an exclusive rental event that offers you:

  • A large gathering of rental industry customers under one roof.
  • A state-of-the-art facility in a highly focused venue to exhibit your products.
  • A trade show timed perfectly for the busy spring season.
  • Free advanced registration for your customers.
  • Easy access and free parking.
  • Free crate storage.
  • Free material handling and no charge for the forklift service.
  • Exhibitors only opening Meet and Greet night.
  • Convenient and affordable accommodations at the Doubletree Hotel.

Marketing your business can be expensive and exhausting so for two days let your customers come to you in a venue that they have come to know and trust.


Contact Ed Cosman at: 888-599-2228 ext.276 or e-mail:

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