Canadian Rental Service

CRA B.C. wins changes to Motor Vehicle Act

By Jim Clipperton CRA B.C. president   


Nov. 3, 2011 - After 1.5 years of travelling, e-mails and phone calls, the CRA B.C. has successfully changed the rules and regulations on our equipment with the Insurance Corporation of B.C., and here is the lowdown.

On June 2, 2011 the B.C. government passed changes to the Motor Vehicle Act affecting mobile equipment and industrial utility vehicles. Mobile equipment is a new category and includes equipment that cannot travel faster  than 10 km per hour, such as scissor lifts, powered wheelbarrows and other self-propelled equipment.  The key change to the Act is that mobile equipment is no longer considered to be a vehicle or motor vehicle. Among other things, this means that mobile equipment does not have to be licensed, registered or insured by ICBC even if it is operated in a parking lot or on other parts of a highway.  These changes were in effect immediately once the amendments were passed on June 2.

The changes to the Act also exempt “industrial utility vehicles” from the requirement to be licensed, registered and insured by ICBC if its operation is limited to incidental highway use only.  This means that the industrial utility vehicle may only be operated in a parking lot, driveway or roadside ditch. It may cross the road to get to the other side, be loaded and unloaded on a highway beside the intended off-road worksite and be operated on a highway worksite to which the public does not have access.  This exemption came into effect in July.  The development of regulations is underway and may cover minimum insurance requirements and safety rules.  The exemption does not include driving along a highway for any distance, as this is covered off in the restricted plate program in division 24 of the regulations (for 100 meters) or regular registration and licensing for longer distances. 

This summary is to help understand the nature of the changes. Please refer to the Motor Vehicle Act and regulations and for the recent changes in part 9 of Bill 13, 2011 the Miscellaneous Statutes Amendment Act (no. 2), 2011, to see the actual changes made to the Act. 

We are still working with ICBC and the Solicitor General's office and will get the final parts of the Industrial Utility Vehicles Act finalized and will forward all safety and insurance requirements to all the members.


I would like to send out a huge thank you to all the rental stores and suppliers that have supported the B.C. local and helped us to fight for all the changes that have saved our members a lot of money and headaches.

Related links
Bill 13 – 2011: Miscellaneous Statutes Amendment Act
Canadian Rental Association

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