Canadian Rental Service


By Marc Mandin   

Canadian Rental Association

As the new kid on the block, I would like to start out by thanking all members of the Canadian Rental Association for their support in the past and encouragement to take on this new challenge.

As the new kid on the block, I would like to start out by thanking all members of the Canadian Rental Association for their support in the past and encouragement to take on this new challenge. I look forward to working with each and every one of you to build upon the strength and reach of the organization my predecessors have created. We have a vibrant organization powered by countless volunteers coast to coast and your support for each one of these volunteers is required and very much appreciated by them. They want and need your input. I am confident you would prefer to share with them what you would like from your organization rather than allowing them to guess on your behalf. So keep an eye out for those ears out there and fill them with ideas of ways we can make your business even stronger in 2014. We have some incredible people involved who are very engaged and working to keep your association strong. With your help they will be that much more productive on your behalf, so take a few minutes and contact someone you know within the CRA local or national organizations this month.

As many of you are aware, the national CRA board of directors’ search committee is still trying to find the right candidate to step into the managing director’s role and help lead the CRA’s activities going forward. If all goes well that person will be in place by the time you read this.

Trade show season is almost upon us, so Pascale and Gabi have been working diligently at head office in Winnipeg seeing to all the details to ensure the events play out smoothly. Starting with the B.C. Regional Trade Show Jan. 10 at the Cloverdale Rodeo and Exhibition Show Barn in Surrey, we have another busy season planned. Our Atlantic Region members are putting the final touches on their Feb. 28 show, as are the Prairie members on their March 14 show. Ontario members have marked the 18th of March on their calendars so they can check out Canadian Rental Mart. Last show of the spring season is the Quebexpo still slated for March 25 at this point. In Quebec we are hoping to have the final answer on the labour dispute at our normal venue any day now. We appreciate the patience of our very supportive associate members on this matter and are fully aware that the delays on getting firm answers are impacting your planning of your very busy spring schedules. This is why we are trying our best to hold steady on the venue for 2014. Alternate plans are in play should things at this venue go south.

Speaking of south, I would be remiss if I did not remind you of our AGM coming up in February. While you are attending the ARA Show in Orlando, Fla., in February I am sure you are looking forward to attending the CRA’s Annual General Meeting at 4 p.m., Monday, Feb. 10, at the Orange County Convention Centre. It is always an exciting time for all – OK only for me perhaps as that is when I officially take over the reins from Jeff Campbell and really learn what I signed up for! Many thanks go to Jeff for his Herculean efforts these past several months to help keep our office running in the absence of an executive director.


While at the ARA show, be sure to pop in for the Canadian Hospitality Event on Sunday, Feb. 9, from 7 to10 p.m. at the Sea World Crystal Ballroom at the Renaissance Orlando Hotel. Thanks to our many sponsors, this event promises to be another great opportunity to swap rental stories with suppliers and many of our American cohorts who like to enjoy some Canadian hospitality. See you in Orlando!

For more details on the show in your region or any CRA related topics, I encourage you to visit our website at and read future issues of Canadian Rental Service!

Marc Mandin is COO of 4-Way Equipment Rentals in Edmonton and national president for the Canadian Rental Association.

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