Canadian Rental Service

General Equipment introduces QR codes

By General Equipment   


general_qrauger_smallJune 2, 2011 - General Equipment now includes QR codes on its products. When scanned with a smart phone, the codes direct users to videos, literature, operational tips, service information and manuals.

General Equipment now includes QR codes on its products. When scanned
with a smart phone, the codes direct users to videos, literature,
operational tips, service information and manuals. They are printed on
weather- and damage-resistant data plates, which are securely mounted on
each piece of equipment.

The QR codes were implemented to help rental operators and end users
find relevant information quickly and easily. Unlike similar systems in
the industry, General Equipment’s QR codes link to product-specific
websites, rather than a generic page. This eliminates the need to browse
for desired information after reaching the site.

 QR codes can be scanned by a mobile device to take customers straight to online information about the product.


“Our new system takes people straight to the information they need,”
said Dennis Von Ruden, president of General Equipment. “They no
longer need to waste time searching the internet for information or
looking for their owner’s manuals. As long as people have access to the
equipment and a smart phone, they can find everything they need.”


General Equipment’s surface preparation, hole digging and
ventilation equipment all include the new QR codes. To take advantage of
them, the user must have a smart phone with a standard QR code scanner
application installed. This simple application is commonly used and is a
free download for many devices.

For more information, visit the website at

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