Canadian Rental Service

President’s Message: February 2009

By Brad Williams   

Canadian Rental Association

Hello fellow rental people. The New Year means a fresh new start to business and opportunities. With the current economic climate, our industry is positioned for growth.


Hello fellow rental people. The New Year means a fresh new start to business and opportunities. With the current economic climate, our industry is positioned for growth. Our customer’s available capital for equipment purchases has tightened up; thereby increasing the potential for rental. Infrastructure spending is expected to grow. New economic stimulus packages are expected to be rolled out in 2009. The rental industry is quick to react to the market. This Industry has a reputation of adapting to the market and capitalizing on change.

With knowledge of the situation in the financial markets, I do want you to know that our CRA financial house is in order. We will not be looking for a bailout. In September 2008, the CRA Board of Directors passed another budget in the black. Year to date we are on target with that budget. Fiscal responsibility is being well represented at all levels of the CRA. I believe the “Big Three” could learn some lessons from us!

We are now well into trade show season. With the Atlantic and B.C. shows behind us, we have the Quebec, Prairie and American Rental Association (ARA) shows to look forward to. I encourage you to attend your nearest CRA Show. The CRA Annual General Meeting (AGM) takes place in Atlanta in March 2009 in conjunction with the ARA Rental Show.

Over the winter months it is a great time to utilize the resources of the ARA lending library. Many of us have had some new hires over the last couple of years. No better time than now to train these people.


With my term as president quickly drawing to an end, it is time to offer thanks to all.

One of the most rewarding benefits of this position is connecting with people from across our great country. Special recognition goes out to Doug Mitchell, CRA Chairman of the Board, for his contribution over the years. Doug, like others before him, has sacrificed his time to push the association forward. I applaud Andrew Paquette for his term as ARA Region 10 Director. Andrew has represented Canada extremely well. We welcome Rhonda Pedersen to the Region 10 Director position. As past president of the CRA, she has knowledge of the process and will be an asset to the ARA Board of Directors. I welcome Jay Williams to the president position. Jay has had some great training in Quebec.
I look forward to Jay’s leadership and the experience he has to offer.

Again the CRA is being well represented by an outstanding person in our industry. I would like to thank the CRA Board of Directors for a successful year. Mandy and Marie at the Winnipeg office have been a pleasure to work with. Please seek these ladies out at your next CRA event.

In closing, I have enjoyed every aspect of my involvement with the CRA. I encourage you to get involved with the CRA. My experience has convinced me that we are members of the best association in North America. ■


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